Happy Birthday Mimi!

Mimi celebrated her first birthday last week. We had a quiet little get together at home. Mia wasn't too sure what to do with her gifts. Thank goodness Maddox was at hand to show her what to do. With a little direction she soon learned that those bags and boxes held some fun things!

Once the gifts were opened our sweet baby girl managed to turn this......

Into this.........

Well, maybe she at least learned that mixing yellow and blue frosting makes green.
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Heads Without Bodies

Here are a couple of things that I have been working on. Well actually Santa has been standing on my bureau for a few months now waiting for some clothes. His head, hands, and boots are all sculpted from polymer clay. I want him to be dressed as a very traditional Santa and I have get to the store to pick up the fabric that he needs. The young lady below I puttered on today for a while. She still needs some smoothing and touch ups before she gets baked. Not really sure what I have in mind for her yet.....she may end up in the bin with several other bodiless heads if I don't get inspired by her soon!

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Range Pond Outing

Beach Bum!

Mimi fighting the wind.
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Mutant Strawberries

The word around town was that the strawberry picking was very good this year so Al, Mandy, and Jamie decided to take Maxie strawberry picking last Saturday morning. The picking was very good, which was a good thing since Maxie probably wouldn't have lasted for much longer than it took to pick a few good sized containers. Once picked, we all had to agree that these were by far the strangest looking strawberries that we have ever seen! Most of them were very large, and many were just a blob of several strawberries all grown together. They may not have been the county fair, blue ribbon winning type of berries, but it was nothing that a little whipped cream couldn't cover!

Mia prefers hers with just a bit of cheese, please!
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