The Wild Bunch

The girls decided to take a quick shopping trip to Freeport to exchange a few items that Mimi got for her birthday. As we have come to expect, her clothes were all too big. We keep trying to get her some “Big Girl” outfits but the typical toddler clothing tends to be short- which works in her favor. Unfortunately, most of it is also wide- which doesn't.

The plan was to head south with Maddox to York’s Wild Animal Kingdom after the shopping, depending on how he was holding up. I had not been to York’s since I was a child so I decided to take a quick look at their website to see what they had to offer. I was reading down their list of typical zoo animals and came upon their ad for elephant rides. I thought to myself how much Maddox would love seeing a real live elephant. I leaned back in my chair and pictured him standing safely behind a very high, very sturdy fence excitedly pointing and jumping up and down as he watched the elephant do it’s elephant things. I breathed a sigh of relief, confident in knowing that there was no way that my girls would ever think of putting my precious grand baby boy on an elephant. After all haven't we all read the headlines about the elephants gone crazy? Not to mention the fact that we are a family who does not agree with wild animals being kept in these kinds of conditions. Have we not boycotted the circus for years as our own way of protesting the wild animal acts for goodness sakes? Nope, my girls would never approve of this, let alone support it......then comes a jingle of my cell phone and up pops this:

Yes, that would be Amanda and Maddox sitting atop that enormous beast. Okay, I admit a small part of me was just a little amused at the sight of it. I like it when my girls are able to shake off the shackles of their overly cautious mother and go out and do something that I would never dare to do. (Within reason, of course!)

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Funtown Splashtown Adventure

Last month Al, Jamie, Mandy, & Maxie went on a Funtown / Splashtown adventure. As it luck would have it, they chose the hottest day of the year. Not surprisingly I opted to remain in the air conditioned comfort of home, content to review the photos and later blog about the experience through the eyes of those brave enough to face the blistering sun and unbearable humidity!

Not too sure about the whale!

Taking Mama for a ride.

They had fun and a good time was had despite the heat. Mandy wasn’t sure how Maddox would take to the rides since he hasn’t really been on too many, aside from the little bouncy ones at the mall and grocery store. As it turns out, he was quite the little soldier and was game for just about anything that he was tall enough to get on! He especially liked the log flume, and the frog hopper ride, pictured here with Auntie Jamie.

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