What's One More?

Here is the newest addition to our already bursting at the seams household. This is Mandy's new friend. He is an 8 month old Solomon Island Eclectus parrot. His name is Jasper. He is quite beautiful and so far he only makes noise when he hears loud music....he is particularly fond of Shakira. He has been quite friendly and gentle as evidenced by the fact that we still have all of our fingers and toes. These birds can become very good talkers
If it holds true that they learn whatever phrases they hear the most often, his first words are sure to be either Naaaaannna!!!, Emmy Peed!!!, or MADDOX CADEN!!! GIVE THAT BACK TO MIMI!!!
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Imagine That!

Our house has become quite a treacherous place to be these days. It started last weekend when Maddox and I were home alone quietly enjoying a movie. As I headed to the kitchen for something drink Maddox yelled “Nana! Be careful Alligator is coming! Run!” He and I had quite an adventure that night! We were finally able to escape once the hungry alligator fell asleep. I don't know if we have inadvertently awakened some sort of Jumanji like spirit in our home, but we have since been plagued with crocodiles (they have big teeth like the alligator) the occasional lion, various dinosaurs, and this morning we all found ourselves running to escape the scalding breath of a fire breathing dragon! Maxie is spending the night with Jamie and Josh tonight. I suppose I should warn them just I case any of this wild life has managed to sneak away with him in his back pack. Funny thing- if they can just manage to survive until Maddox falls asleep, the spell seems to lift and the creatures vanish. Go figure.

Sweet dreams little man.............................and remember; The alligator likes cookies.

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